viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015


The fauna is rich and varied being the most common of arboreal life and living in the lake water streams. Large animals are not numerous but there are hundreds of species of reptiles, amphibians and birds; lizards and many varieties of fish in the streams. Monkeys, bats and myriads of birds abound in the trees. Since no cold season, many varieties of insects swarm continuously: wasps, ants, gnats, mosquitoes, gnats and others. Among the mammals are: "Danto" or Tapir (Tapirus bairdii), collared peccary (Tayassu peccary), Jagüilla (His americanensis), Tiger or jaguar (Felis onca), puma (Felis concolor), ocelot (Felis pardalis) Wildcat or Caucel (Felis wiedii) Yaguarundi or small puma (Felis yaguaroundi), bat (Vampirus spectrum), coati only (Nasua narica), raccoon (Procyon lotor), Anteater (giant anteater), etc. The birdlife is varied and abundant among which are: hummingbirds and sparrows in more than 20 different species; the widow (Trogon rufus), the woodpecker (Phleoceastes guatemalensis), the owl (spectacled owl), the owl (mottled owl), the peak Toucan or knife (Rhanfastus sulfuratus and Pteroglosus torcuatus), yellow-naped parrot (Amazona ochrocephala) green parrot from the coast (Aratinga finschi), king vulture or condor Central (Sarcoramphus potato), Wagner's bonneted bat. Among the reptiles are the yellow beard (Botrox atrox), tamagás (Botrox nasuta), Porthidium nasutum, boa (constrictor imperatur), Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), coffee caiman (Caiman Crocodylus fuscus), lizard ( Crocodylus acutus), coral snake, Acanthopleura granulata, brown basilisk. Other reptiles are the iguanas that blend with the varying shades of the forest; freshwater turtles and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and among the amphibians are abundant toads and frogs climbing varied species.
The coasts of Honduras, are drenched north and east by the Caribbean Sea and on the south by the Gulf of Fonseca in the coming turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea can be seen by diving the coral reef with its diversity of calcareous algae, seaweed red (Rhodophyta) as seagrass, among other aquatic plants that address a natural ecosystem.

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