miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

  • Copán (Western Honduras): Often referred to as the Paris of the Mayan world, these majestic ruins will take you through a dramatic journey of the Mayan civilization. The secret to understanding the Copán ruins is a large square block of carved stone known as the Altar Q, which represents the dynastic lineage of 16 kings whose rule spanned nearly 4 centuries.
  • Walpaulban Sirpi (La Mosquitia): Not far from Las Marías, numerous petroglyphs are carved into stones that date back thousands of years and are believed to be from the Paya culture. Some, including Walpaulban Sirpi, are found right in the Río Plátano. They aren't easy to reach, though. You'll need to traverse 5 hours upstream in a pole-propelled dugout canoe, or pipante, to get there -- or visit near the end of a long rafting trip.
  • William Walker's grave (the North Coast): In the old Trujillo cemetery in the center of town sits the remains of William Walker, the American adventurer who launched several invasions of Central American nations and was shot by firing squad in Trujillo in 1860. Check out his epitaph, which still reads: Fusilado.
  • Los Naranjos Eco-Archeological Park (Western Honduras): What exactly is an eco-archeological park? It is a place with both archeological remains and protected natural land. Los Naranjos is both a small Lenca site, with a few mounds that date back to approximately 700 B.C., as well as a great place for bird-watching along the lush green shores of Lago de Yojoa. Facilities on-site exist for both types of visitors: an archeological museum with historical details and artifacts, and a tower where you can relax with your binoculars.
  • El Puente (Western Honduras): Near the town of La Entrada outside of Copán sits this rarely visited archeological complex. A couple of pyramids and the encroaching jungle make it seem not all that different from Copán; just a bit smaller and without the madding crowds.

Read more: http://www.frommers.com/destinations/honduras/766775#ixzz3nvPlBvrZ

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