viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Actual President

Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado
Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado (Gracias, Lempira Department, Honduras, October 25, 1968) is a Honduran lawyer, Fifty-fifth current constitutional president of the Republic
of Honduras. His term began on January 27, 2014 and ends on January 27 2018.
He was a deputy of the National Congress by the Department of Lempira from 1998 to 2002 and president of the National Congress between 2010 and 2013.
On November 24 he was elected president of Honduras in Honduras general election of 2013 by 36%,participated in an election where 61% of the population.

Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado, on January 27, 2014, became the Fifty-fifth President of the Republic of Honduras; to be imposed on the presidential sash and credited and having sworn on the Constitution his oath of office, to the Honduran people. Among the guests at the celebration were present, SM Felipe de Borbon, by that time Prince of Asturias, constitutional President Laura Chinchilla of Costa Rica, Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia constitutional President Ricardo Martinelli constitutional President of Panama, President Danilo Medina Dominican Republic, representative of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, President Ma Ying-Jeou of Taiwan, Rosa Virginia Chávez, daughter of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and her husband Jorge Arreaza, as representatives of the Republic of Venezuela, Diplomatic Corps from friendly countries, President Outgoing Mr. Porfirio Lobo Sosa, along with former Honduran presidents Rafael Leonardo Callejas and his wife Norma Gaborit Callejas; Ricardo Maduro and his wife Melissa Callejas, Archbishop Romulo Emiliani representative of the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Pastor Alberto Solorzano, representing the Evangelical Fellowship of Honduras, among others.31 In his inaugural speech, Hernandez said; "Today we will begin to deliver for the people, we will consult the decisions for the good of the people". He reiterated his typical phrase used in a political campaign: "Juan Orlando Hernández I'll do whatever I have to do to get peace and quiet of my people." He promised to reduce the threats of extortion and the so-called war tax. He said that increase the number of elements of the military police and the enactment of the Police TIGERS ". He added that accelerate clearance of public institutions. He said that given the high rates of violence prevailing in the country the government counteract applying "zero tolerance".

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