sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

Hog Cays or Callos Cochinos

Honduras Best Shots

The National Stadium of Tegucigalpa was built during the administration of Tiburcio Carías Andino. The stadium wasHonduras national football team's home stadium in the FIFA World Cup qualification for many years. In 1981, the stadium was host to 6 CONCACAF nations (HondurasMexicoEl SalvadorCanadaHaiti and Cuba) for Spain 1982's final round of the World Cup qualifying football games that saw Honduras qualify for the first time to the World Cup.

Part of the reef  Callos Cochinos

Honduras culture

The wealth of cultural expression in Honduras owes its origins primarily to being a part of Latin America but also to the multi-ethnicnature of the country. The population comprises 85% Mestizo, 8% Caucasian, 6% Amerindian, and 1% Black. This influences all facets of the culture: customs, practices, ways of dressing, religion, rituals, codes of behavior and belief systems

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Actual President

Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado
Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado (Gracias, Lempira Department, Honduras, October 25, 1968) is a Honduran lawyer, Fifty-fifth current constitutional president of the Republic
of Honduras. His term began on January 27, 2014 and ends on January 27 2018.
He was a deputy of the National Congress by the Department of Lempira from 1998 to 2002 and president of the National Congress between 2010 and 2013.
On November 24 he was elected president of Honduras in Honduras general election of 2013 by 36%,participated in an election where 61% of the population.

Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado, on January 27, 2014, became the Fifty-fifth President of the Republic of Honduras; to be imposed on the presidential sash and credited and having sworn on the Constitution his oath of office, to the Honduran people. Among the guests at the celebration were present, SM Felipe de Borbon, by that time Prince of Asturias, constitutional President Laura Chinchilla of Costa Rica, Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia constitutional President Ricardo Martinelli constitutional President of Panama, President Danilo Medina Dominican Republic, representative of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, President Ma Ying-Jeou of Taiwan, Rosa Virginia Chávez, daughter of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and her husband Jorge Arreaza, as representatives of the Republic of Venezuela, Diplomatic Corps from friendly countries, President Outgoing Mr. Porfirio Lobo Sosa, along with former Honduran presidents Rafael Leonardo Callejas and his wife Norma Gaborit Callejas; Ricardo Maduro and his wife Melissa Callejas, Archbishop Romulo Emiliani representative of the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, Pastor Alberto Solorzano, representing the Evangelical Fellowship of Honduras, among others.31 In his inaugural speech, Hernandez said; "Today we will begin to deliver for the people, we will consult the decisions for the good of the people". He reiterated his typical phrase used in a political campaign: "Juan Orlando Hernández I'll do whatever I have to do to get peace and quiet of my people." He promised to reduce the threats of extortion and the so-called war tax. He said that increase the number of elements of the military police and the enactment of the Police TIGERS ". He added that accelerate clearance of public institutions. He said that given the high rates of violence prevailing in the country the government counteract applying "zero tolerance".


The fauna is rich and varied being the most common of arboreal life and living in the lake water streams. Large animals are not numerous but there are hundreds of species of reptiles, amphibians and birds; lizards and many varieties of fish in the streams. Monkeys, bats and myriads of birds abound in the trees. Since no cold season, many varieties of insects swarm continuously: wasps, ants, gnats, mosquitoes, gnats and others. Among the mammals are: "Danto" or Tapir (Tapirus bairdii), collared peccary (Tayassu peccary), Jagüilla (His americanensis), Tiger or jaguar (Felis onca), puma (Felis concolor), ocelot (Felis pardalis) Wildcat or Caucel (Felis wiedii) Yaguarundi or small puma (Felis yaguaroundi), bat (Vampirus spectrum), coati only (Nasua narica), raccoon (Procyon lotor), Anteater (giant anteater), etc. The birdlife is varied and abundant among which are: hummingbirds and sparrows in more than 20 different species; the widow (Trogon rufus), the woodpecker (Phleoceastes guatemalensis), the owl (spectacled owl), the owl (mottled owl), the peak Toucan or knife (Rhanfastus sulfuratus and Pteroglosus torcuatus), yellow-naped parrot (Amazona ochrocephala) green parrot from the coast (Aratinga finschi), king vulture or condor Central (Sarcoramphus potato), Wagner's bonneted bat. Among the reptiles are the yellow beard (Botrox atrox), tamagás (Botrox nasuta), Porthidium nasutum, boa (constrictor imperatur), Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), coffee caiman (Caiman Crocodylus fuscus), lizard ( Crocodylus acutus), coral snake, Acanthopleura granulata, brown basilisk. Other reptiles are the iguanas that blend with the varying shades of the forest; freshwater turtles and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and among the amphibians are abundant toads and frogs climbing varied species.
The coasts of Honduras, are drenched north and east by the Caribbean Sea and on the south by the Gulf of Fonseca in the coming turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea can be seen by diving the coral reef with its diversity of calcareous algae, seaweed red (Rhodophyta) as seagrass, among other aquatic plants that address a natural ecosystem.


The flora of Honduras is very varied, rainy or pluvioselva jungle, also classified as Tropical Rainforest, it is one of the most impressive and plant formation; ecologists call it "training hygrophytic Megatérmica" to correspond to regions of high humidity and constant high temperatures. In which no single dominant species, such as pine or fir trees, covering large areas. The eastern part of the country "La Mosquitia". There is an abundance of climbing plants or vines, and lianas. Variety of epiphytes, the most striking orchids. By adapting to the ambient humidity, the trees are huge and do not have deep roots holding thanks to the great buttresses or spurs, while the leaves are many and large. The tree trunks are straight and smooth and its first branches are born high above the ground. The Pluvioselva of Honduras corresponds to the northern region below 600 m elevation; no fully defined dry season and covers 29% of the total land area. Among the most typical of the biogeographic region plant species are: Royal cedar (Cedrela mexicana), Common cedar (Cedrela odorata), mahogany (Swetonia mahogoni L.), tree María (Calophyllum brasiliense), Cortes (Tabebuia guayacan), " Espavel "or Mijao (Anacardium excelsum), guava (Guayabón) or (Tarminalia Amazon), and many others. There are numerous palm trees near the coast, is tropical fruit and flowers of all colors. It is very common to find plants such as cotton textiles or pacaya. There are also many medicinal plants such as chicory, apazote and Tolu. They are used as producers of rubber trees (Ficus elastica) and resin, hawthorn and palmacristi (Ricinus communis).

National League

The following ten teams participating in the National Professional League of Honduras:
Won tournaments
José Rafael Ferrari
12 de junio de 1912
Pedro Atala
29 de agosto de 1928
Mateo Yibrín
14 de julio de 1929
Yankel Rosenthal
25 de noviembre de 1925
Carla Dip
14 de octubre de 1940
Eduardo Ramos
4 de julio de 1960
Carlos Molineros
15 de noviembre de 1935
Sociedad Anonima
Estadio Humberto Michelietti'
Sociedad Anónima
Estadio Juan Ramón Brevé Vargas
4 de agosto de 2004
Ricardo Elencoff
Estadio Francisco Martínez Durón

Patriotic Heroes

José Trinidad Cabañas
José Trinidad Cabañas (9 June 1805 – 8 January 1871) served as President of Honduras for two separate terms: From 1 March to 6 July 1852. And 31 December 1853 to 6 June 1855. He was a General and liberal politician whose role in Honduran history began during the Civil War 1826-29. He became a Central America hero, when he attempted to reunite Central America,during Francisco Morazán's tenure and after the unionist's death.
During his second term as President, Cabañas attempted to build the railroad in Honduras. He was supported by the common Central American people, but his liberal beliefs were not accepted by the conservatives, then holding power. He was popularly known as being "The gentleman without blemish and without fear"

Dionisio de Herrera 
José Dionisio de la Trinidad de Herrera y Díaz del Valle (9 October 1781 in Choluteca, Honduras – 13 June 1850 in San Vicente, El Salvador) was a Liberal Honduran politician, head of state of Honduras from 1824 to 1827 and head of state of Nicaragua from 1830 to 1833. During his terms, Honduras and Nicaragua were states within the Federal Republic of Central America. Herrera was an uncle of the Liberal Central American general Francisco Morazán.
From a land-owning family, Herrera studied at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, where he earned a law degree and came in contact with the liberal ideas of the French Revolution. He was a tutor of his nephew, General Morazán.
In 1820 he occupied his first public office, as secretary of the town government of Tegucigalpa. On 16 September 1824 he became the first head of state of Honduras, after the independence of Central America from Spain and from Mexico. Colonel José Justo Millawas his vice-head of state. During his term he decreed the first territorial subdivisions of Honduras, creating the departments of Comayagua, Tegucigalpa, Santa Bárbara, Yoro, Olancho and Choluteca (department). He also promulgated the first constitution of the country (state), on 11 December 1825.
The government of Herrera was overthrown on 10 May 1827 in a coup d'état led by Colonel Milla and aided by Honduran Conservatives. Herrera was sent as a prisoner to Guatemala, where he remained until 1829.
Thereafter he was elected head of state of Nicaragua, taking office on 12 May 1830. He exercised this office until November 1833, relying on the support of General Morazán. He tried to implement various Liberal reforms, but unsuccessfully, due to the opposition of the clergy. In 1835 he was elected head of state of El Salvador, but he declined the office. In 1838 he retired from politics, working as a teacher in the city of San Vicente, El Salvador. He remained there until his death in 1850.

Lempira (Spanish: lem-pee’-rah) was a war chieftain of the Lencas of western Honduras in Central America during the 1530s, when he led resistance to Francisco de Montejo's attempts to conquer and incorporate the region into the province of Honduras. Mentioned as Lempira in documents written during the Spanish conquest, he is still regarded as a warrior who offered resistance against the Spanish conquistadors.
Jorge Lardé y Larín argues that the name Lempira comes from the word Lempira, which in turn comes from two words of the Lenca language: from lempa, meaning "lord" as a title of hierarchy, i meaning "of", and era, meaning "hill or mountain". Thus, Lempira, means "lord of the mountain" or "lord of the hill". When the Spaniards arrived in Cerquin, Lempira was fighting against neighboring chiefs, but because of their threat, he allied with the Lenca subgroup of Cares thus unifying the different Lenca tribes. Based in Cerquin hill, he organized resistance against the Spanish troops in 1537, managing to gather an army of almost 30,000 soldiers, from 200 villages. As a result, other groups also took up arms in the valley of Comayagua and Olancho. Spanish attempts to stop him, led by Francisco de Montejo and Alonso de Cáceres, but unsuccessfully until 1537.

Francisco Morazán
Francisco Morazán ( [fɾanˈsisko moɾaˈsan]; born October 3, 1792 – September 15, 1842) was a Honduran politician who was President of the Federal Republic of Central America from 1830 to 1839. Before he was president of Central America he was head of state of Honduras, He rose to prominence at the legendary Battle of La Trinidad on November 11, 1827. Since then, and until his execution in 1842, Morazán dominated the political and military scene of Central America.
In the political arena, Francisco Morazán was recognized as a visionary and great thinker, as he attempted to transform Central America into one large and progressive nation. He enacted liberal reforms in the new Federal Republic of Central America, including freedom of the press, speech and religion. Morazán also limited church power by making marriage secular and abolishing government-aided tithing.
These reforms made him some powerful enemies, and his period of rule was marked by bitter infighting between liberals and conservatives. But through his military skills, Morazán was able to keep a firm grip on power until 1837, when the Federal Republic became irrevocably fractured. This was exploited by the conservative leaders, who rallied around the leadership of Rafael Carrera and in order to protect their own interests, ended up dividing Central America into five nations

José Trinidad Reyes 

The Father José Trinidad Reyes y Sevilla (June 11, 1797 – September 20, 1855) is considered Honduras' national hero and is the founder of the Autonomous National University of Honduras, formerly called "La Sociedad del Genio emprendedor y del buen gusto" ("The Society of the Enterprising Genius and Good Taste"). He was a fighter against poverty and its causes, assisting the poor and insisting on their right to education in matters of faith, culture and science.
As contributions to culture wrote several pastorelas, reconstructed by Rómulo Durón, which are the first theatrical manifestations in Central America, and whose thereof representation established bases for the subsequent appearance of theatre in Honduras. These pastorelas was presented by Father Reyes in the Tegucigalpa's churches, one of these is "Navidad nuestra" ("Our Christmas"), which over time has converted a classic of Honduran contemporary theater owing to its harmonious mixing of different traditions presents on Honduran Christmas.
Reyes was a polemicist in favor of women's rights, this it is see reflected in his pastorelas, in which the female characters have much voice. Is celebrated a his document appeared under the pseudonym of Sofía Seyers, which is all a feminist manifesto, where Reyes pleads for that it will be realized on women the most basic right of education. Many of ideas expressed by Reyes in this article are inspired by the socialist French women and the illustrated ideas of French Revolution, of which the Father Reyes was a great divulger during his politic facet. Reyes had a willingness common to Enlightenment, the beast of Humanism and Sacred art.
He was convinced of the arts' importance (theatre particularly) as instrument for to civilize and to do to progress to the nations. During his life in Tegucigalpa fought big battles against fanaticism's excesses and the politic and religion superstition.