jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

La Mosquitia

Officially, La Mosquitia is part of the department of Gracias a Dios and its name comes from the Miskitos, its legendary inhabitants. Although it has no geographical boundaries of its own (and indeed is mixed with the portion that corresponds to Nicaragua), this vast region is considered by many scholars as the largest rainforest in the Americas after the Amazon.

Due to the lush vegetation and great variety of wildlife that inhabits the area, La Mosquitia has become increasingly popular as a destination for adventure and ecotourism. However, there is very little infrastructure and any tourist who ventures out here should be fully aware that it will not have the comforts of the modern world. Within the region there are five areas protected by the laws of Honduras: the Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve; Tawahka Anthropological Reserve; Patuca National Park; Cruta Caratasca Wildlife Reserve and Rus Rus Biological Reserve, which includes the Warunta Sierra and its famous limestone caves.

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